Thursday, September 6, 2012

Anawan Rock haunted???

                                                                   ANAWAN ROCK
                                                                          RT 44
                                                                   REHOBOTH, MA
                                        Danny and I went to Anawan rock on august 28, 2012 to do an investigation, it was the anniversary of the capture of Anawan ( the chief of the Wampanoag Indians.) the rock was part of there campsite durn the King Phillips War. we wanted to show you some of our pics we took durn the investigation. These pics were not altered or photo shopped in anyway. There was definitely a stronger creepy feeling at the top of the rock, we got some orbs, which along with the feeling of being watched, and noises we heard, we believe some spirits are still not at rest.

                                                                    To see more on Anawan Rock and its reported hunting's you can go to the link i provided. its another paranormal group doing an investigation.